Ada Parellada
Daughter of the Fonda Europa in Granollers, an establishment with more than 250 years of history. In 1993 she began her solo culinary adventure by opening Semproniana, a restaurant in the middle of Barcelona's Eixample district.
She has written around twenty recipe books and even a novel, Sal de vainilla. She has collaborated with several media, transmitting the need to recover culinary habits in the home. She has also given numerous talks and cooking workshops, including a long work dedicated to food education for families with children. In 2021, she will curate an exhibition on the question Per què mengem com mengem? at the Natural Science Museum of Granollers.
She is very active in the fight against food waste; she is also a patron of the Espigoladors Foundation and has participated in various actions to highlight this global problem; she is also a patron of the ASCA Foundation (Solidarity Action against Unemployment). As a result of Covid-19, she has launched the Circular Menu, a project with a dual social and economic impact that aims to guarantee the right to food for vulnerable people and to reactivate the restaurant sector.

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